Current Mobile and Web Development Trends

Mobile app and mobile web development have stormed to the forefront of most companies’ marketing mixes over the past half decade and are continuing to attract a lion’s share of the attention in the tech press. Its with good reason too as companies like Fandango are reporting that as of this summer, as much as 30% of its movie ticket sales were through smartphones and tablets. We also see tech giants like eBay and Expedia estimating that half their sales will be via mobile apps and mobile web  developments within two years.

Each year we are seeing customers shopping more and more with their smartphones. Key areas of commerce that we are seeing customers engaged in via mobile applications or mobile web developments include: buying items directly, checking emails for discounts and coupons and for
research and comparison shopping. We are starting to see larger retailers such as Walmart pushing towards allowing consumers to make payments via smartphone while in-store for the ultimate in convenience.

If your web presence isn’t easily accessible to mobile users you ignoring a substantial group of powerful consumers.  Mobile friendly websites are no longer an indulgence. Key to powerful mobile web development is keeping an eye on the environment and developing specifically for it. Skip flash and overly ornate designs in favor of designs that favor speed and simplicity.

Mobile web development and mobile apps will continue to grow in importance and be a crucial part of any companies marketing mix. By keeping an eye on trends and the future you can effectively position your business to take advantage of the latest trends in mobile web development or mobile applications.

About Kimber Johnson
Kimber Johnson is the Managing Director of Vanity Point, Kimber has worked within the web development, graphics design, mobile application development, marketing and advertising fields for over 17 years.

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